of or relating to caesar, the first roman emperor, or to the age (augustan age) in which he flourished, which marked the golden age of latin literature.
of or relating to the neocl-ssic period, especially of 18th-century english literature.
an author in an augustan age.
historical examples
it is they who have razed augustan temples, destroyed holy relics, and slain augustan priests—they, and not the saxons.
nicanor – teller of tales c. bryson taylor
in his later works, pope took augustan satire about as far as it could go.
the methodist evan lloyd
in diction worthy of the augustan age, he presents us with no images that are not familiar to his countrymen.
the works of charles and mary lamb charles lamb
churchill and robert lloyd are explicit in their wish to break from augustan style.
the methodist evan lloyd
the augustan and elizabethan ages cannot be conjured back at will.
expositor’s bible: the song of solomon walter adeney
the augustan age was comical enough, if we may trust some of horaces satires.
the comic latin grammar percival leigh
we are guided back to admiration of the measure and moderation and shapeliness of the augustan age.
hearts of controversy alice meynell
it may be that we have here a pair of poets, the two most prominent of the augustan age.
pompeii, its life and art august mau
yet it is hard to see what is wanting to the poem to distinguish it from the literature of polite society in the augustan ages.
medieval english literature william paton ker
but there is yet plenty to remind us that dublin had once its augustan age.
peeps at many lands: ireland katharine tynan
characteristic of, denoting, or relating to the roman emperor augustus caesar (63 bc–14 ad), his period, or the poets, notably virgil, horace, and ovid, writing during his reign
of, relating to, or characteristic of any literary period noted for refinement and cl-ssicism, esp the late 17th century in france (the period of the dramatists corneille, racine, and molière) or the 18th century in england (the period of swift, pope, and johnson, much influenced by dryden)
an author in an augustan age
a student of or specialist in augustan literature
1640s, from latin august-n-s, “pertaining to augustus (caesar),” whose reign was connected with “the palmy period of latin literature” [oed]; hence, “period of purity and refinement in any national literature” (1712).
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- Augustan age
of or relating to caesar, the first roman emperor, or to the age (augustan age) in which he flourished, which marked the golden age of latin literature. of or relating to the neocl-ssic period, especially of 18th-century english literature. an author in an augustan age. historical examples but a new stage of intellectual progress began […]
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. the statement of beliefs and doctrines of the lutherans, formulated by melanchthon and endorsed by the lutheran princes, which was presented at the diet of augsburg in 1530 and which became the chief creed of the lutheran church.
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noun (often capital) a type of circus clown who usually wears battered ordinary clothes and is habitually maladroit or unlucky historical examples auguste rose with an oath, and then stood facing his cousin like a man struck dumb, his hands dropped. the crossing winston churchill then heavy steps were heard, and auguste reappeared with a […]
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a person or thing that augments. aviation, rocketry. any auxiliary device, as an afterburner, for additional thrust from the exhaust of a jet or rocket engine.
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a member of a roman catholic congregation founded in 1847 in france, engaged in missionary and educational work.