
having or earlike parts.
shaped like an ear.
historical examples

the auriculate hafting area is usually contracted rounded, but may be parallel rounded or expanded rounded.
handbook of alabama archaeology: part i point types james w. cambron

the hafting area is auriculate and may be pointed or rounded.
handbook of alabama archaeology: part i point types james w. cambron

auriculate and notched types reappear in the woodland period.
handbook of alabama archaeology: part i point types james w. cambron

auriculate, furnished with auricles or ear-like appendages, 53.
the elements of botany asa gray

the basal edge of the stem is usually bifurcated but may be auriculate.
handbook of alabama archaeology: part i point types james w. cambron

the hafting area is auriculate with expanded-rounded auricles.
handbook of alabama archaeology: part i point types james w. cambron

the auriculate hafting area is expanded-rounded with a hafting constriction along the side edges near the auricles.
handbook of alabama archaeology: part i point types james w. cambron

most paleo indian types, including fluted points, are auriculate.
handbook of alabama archaeology: part i point types james w. cambron

the auriculate hafting area is usually expanded-rounded with an incurvate basal edge.
handbook of alabama archaeology: part i point types james w. cambron

leaves crowded at the ends of the flowering branches, obovate or spatulate, auriculate at base, smooth (1 ft. long).
trees of the northern united states austin c. apgar

having ears
(botany) having ear-shaped parts or appendages
also auriform (ˈɔːrɪˌfɔːm). shaped like an ear; auricular

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