Austin-American dream
the pursuit of a career in an area one is p-ssionate about, often living on limited resources, when higher paying careers, though unwanted, are attainable
the juggling of several part time jobs, ideally related to one’s p-ssion, to earn enough money to live off of which allows time to develop a creative skill
the desire for a more fulfilling livelihood often stymied by crippling debt and/or self-doubt
a play on words based on the austin-american statesman newspaper in austin, texas.
sheila hated her old job as a curriculum developer. now she has two part time jobs teaching kids music and writing, and she has time to pursue her acting career. she’s happier getting by on less because she’s living the austin-american dream.
dylan’s been working at the record store forever. he’s an expert in music especially obscure stuff. he’ll never sell out. he’s living the austin-american dream, for real.
melody teaches art cl-sses all over town and has shows of her own. she tried working at a collections agency once and walked out. she knows the austin-american dream is the only life for her.
janice wishes she could quit her job and become a fashion designer, but she has too much debt and doesn’t think she could make money. she doesn’t think the austin-american dream is realistic enough for her, at least not now.
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