
absolute sovereignty.
an autocratic government.
the condition of self-sufficiency, especially economic, as applied to a nation.
a national policy of economic independence.
historical examples

the artistic experience of the civilization of illiteracy is also characterized by impatience and autarchy.
the civilization of illiteracy mihai nadin

autarchy proved decreasingly possible as the church tried to extend its involvement.
the civilization of illiteracy mihai nadin

noun (pl) -chies
unlimited rule; autocracy
self-government; self-rule
noun (pl) -chies
a variant spelling (now rare) of autarky
noun (pl) -kies
(esp of a political unit) a system or policy of economic self-sufficiency aimed at removing the need for imports
an economically self-sufficient country

1660s, “absolute sovereignty,” from greek autarkhia, from autarkhein “to be an absolute ruler,” from autos “self” (see auto-) + arkhein “to rule” (see archon).

1610s, “self-sufficiency,” from greek autarkeia “sufficiency in oneself, independence,” from autarkes “self-sufficient, having enough, independent of others” (also used of countries), from autos “self” (see auto-) + arkein “to ward off, keep off,” also “to be strong enough, sufficient,” from pie root -ark- “to hold, contain, guard” (see arcane). from a different greek source than autarchy, and thus the spelling. as a term in international economics, prominent late 1930s. related: autarkic.

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