Authority figure

a person whose real or apparent authority over others inspires or demands obedience and emulation:
parents, teachers, and police officers are traditional authority figures for children.
contemporary examples

muehl was of course the authority figure, with all resultant perks.
the life and art of radical provocateur—and commune leader—otto muehl anthony haden-guest september 21, 2014

the universe becomes a chaotic universe if you have a parent or authority figure who just punishes you totally randomly.
michael sheen’s masterful study of s-x and insecurity caryn james september 27, 2014

an elderly or sick person would be especially vulnerable to the sophisticated nudging of an authority figure like a doctor.
obama’s euthanasia mistake lee siegel august 10, 2009

bert was always seen as an authority figure, for better and worse.
john slattery on the ‘mad men’ midseason finale, roger sterling’s power move, and ‘g-d’s pocket’ marlow stern may 25, 2014

authority figure au·thor·i·ty figure (ə-thôr’ĭ-tē, ô-thôr’-)
a real or projected person in a position of power.

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