poisoning with toxic substances formed within the body, as during intestinal digestion.
historical examples
he imagines himself the victim of autointoxication, afflicted with paralysis of the colon or dearth of intestinal secretions.
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while autointoxication may not be the primary cause of eczema, it augments all zymotic conditions.
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autointoxication is said to play a prominent rle in the causation of melancholia.
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it is evident that eczema may arise from local irritation to the skin or from an autointoxication.
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a good deal of the talk about autointoxication is just talk.
outwitting our nerves josephine a. jackson and helen m. salisbury
whether there is a poisoning of the organism, an autointoxication, in such a condition is not a settled matter.
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self-poisoning caused by absorption of toxic products originating within the body also called autotoxaemia
autointoxication au·to·in·tox·i·ca·tion (ô’tō-ĭn-tŏk’sĭ-kā’shən)
self-poisoning resulting from the absorption of waste products of metabolism, decomposed intestinal matter, or other toxins produced within the body. also called endogenic toxicosis.
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. noun (physics) the process in which spontaneous decay of excited atoms or molecules results in emission of electrons, rather than photons
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- Autoloader
a firearm with an automatic loading mechanism. historical examples they had two rifles, one an autoloader, and they had in all likelihood three negatron pistols. the keeper henry beam piper stack loader
- Autoloading
(def 2). historical examples the autoloading gun is reloaded and c-cked again wholly by its own recoil. our vanishing wild life william t. hornaday the other southron, the one in blue with the autoloading rifle, came out and advanced slowly, his weapon at the ready. the keeper henry beam piper adjective self-loading