voluntary movement.
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- Autokinesia
autokinesia autokinesia au·to·ki·ne·sia (ô’tō-kĭ-nē’zhə, -kī-) or au·to·ki·ne·sis (-nē’sĭs) n. voluntary movement. au’to·ki·net’ic (-nět’ĭk) adj.
- Autokinetic
voluntary movement. adjective automatically self-moving
- Autokinetic effect
apparent motion of a single point of light or a small object when presented on a dark field and observed continuously.
- Autokinetic phenomenon
noun (psychol) the apparent movement of a fixed point of light when observed in a darkened room. the effect is produced by small eye movements for which the brain is unable to compensate, having no other reference points
- Autolisp
autolisp language a dialect of lisp used by the autocad cad package from autodesk. (1994-11-09)