derived from the welsh name “afal”; often -ssociated with the island that king arther’s sword caliburn was forged. the island of avalon is also often -ssociated with an island that yields beautiful apples.
the name “avalon” as used in the context of a feminine name, describes one who possesses beauty unrivaled by any other. in the modern context, those who possess the name avalon are seen as ‘one who is as rare as the legendary sword forged for a king arther’, thus, “avalon” is one of a kind- a woman of such magnitude that all others have no choice but to bow down and submit themselves as none other than a subordinate. this is especially true in the context of intellectual superiority and unrivaled inner spirit.
the name also carries ties to the native american legend of a small coyote that possessed such love and purity that a m-ssive heard of rampaging buffalo’s stoped mid-stampede and bowed down to the coyot avalon as it lay defensively in the brush.
“even today king arthur’s legend lives on in isle of avalon”
a song by roxy music and sung by bryan ferry. directly responsible for my brith, as my mother concieved me while this song was playing.
avalon is the best song to f-ck to, by far!
an ancient island closed from the waking world from threads of elemental mist.
the isles of avalon disappeared in the 1400’s
1.holy resting place of king arthur
2.trashy holiday park in cornwall
1.medieval knights often sought avalon in their quests for the holy grail
2.clue’s in the t-tle
an island refered to in arthurian legend, also known as the place of the blessed dead, where, according to some, king arthur still lives.
some believe avalon is derived from “ynes avallon” (avalon’s island), realm of the celtic g-d avalach.
also an 80’s song by roxy music,
and my name.
hey look at me! my name is avalon!
the bestest, kewlest, nicest, smartest friend ever.
“avalon, did u just c that ab salon?”
coolest, sweetest, prettiest, girl in the whole world. also, can dance better than madonna.
avalon is that hottie i saw at the dance last night, d-mn she was foin.
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