
avanii means p–p
“oh man, i let out a whole lot of avanii, today”
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  • duceifer

    a p–p that as it comes out burns because of hot sauce or spicy foods oh man, yesterday i went to buffalo wild wings, and had the hottest sauce, an today’s my duceifer p–ps burn like h-ll buy the domain for your cat vlog

  • estokna

    it is a random word said by some lebanese teenagers nowadays.it sometimes means motherf-cker,f-ck you,or b-tch. but you can also use it as my bro estokna you you’re my estokna for life how dare you!! estokna!

  • rimjhim

    rimjhim refers to the slight drizzling of the rain. it refers to a bubbly girl who is always chattering her time away and likes to make a lot of friends . she is also one who understands everybody and is just at a new level of craziness. she can drive you mad but this behaviour […]

  • burftown

    an old man that really addicted to p-rn videos my grandpa is a burftown! i wish i can help him to stop watching p-rn buy the domain for your foodie blog

  • sacked jedi

    a jedi that has been around for a long time, sacked, injured, growing and awaiting for extraction to another galaxy. . e.g : i know a person that was a sacked jedi but somehow rather the spring time will come eventually. buy the domain for your foodie blog

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