
averyon is a boy who has as many feeling as any other motherf-cker in this world he is a kid who is called n##a everyday and doesnt do anything bc he knows deep insidd that he doesnt have to fight it he just has to run. but no one f-cking cares that he is called that and the girls at his school hate him bc they think he lets him say it but he doesnt.
averyon is a real human being
averyon is a real boy that lives in a real world. he is a boy who goes to school everyday. he is a boy that gets called n@#a everyday at lunch and doesnt do nothing about it he knows deep inside if he does anything hes going to jail. but they all think that his girlfriend is a hoe and sh-t like that but they all need to know that she is the most perfect girl anyone can ask for
averyon is a real boy in a real world.

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