
in or of an axis.
historical examples

in ericaceæ too, the axile placenta has been seen ovuliferous at the base and prolonged above into a leafy branch.
vegetable teratology maxwell t. masters

capsule 3–5-celled with axile placent, loculicidal or circ-mscissile, many-seeded.
the manual of the botany of the northern united states asa gray

in malformed flowers of digitalis the change from axile to parietal placentation may often be seen.
vegetable teratology maxwell t. masters

frond 7–11-nerved or more; rootlets several, with axile vascular tissue.
the manual of the botany of the northern united states asa gray

with two or more cells and axile placent, namely, with as many cells as there are carpels, that have united to compose the organ.
the elements of botany asa gray

axile, aks′il, adj. lying in the axis of anything, as an embryo in the axis of a seed.
chambers’s twentieth century dictionary (part 1 of 4: a-d) various

(botany) of, relating to, or attached to the axis

axile ax·ile (āk’sīl)

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