Baby book
an alb-m for mounting pictures and other memorabilia of a baby and for keeping a record of its growth from infancy.
contemporary examples
at first, i thought it must be a collection of her baby hair, maybe a lock or two her mother saved in her baby book.
touching sylvia plath’s hair jessica ferri february 10, 2013
intrigruingly, cressida was carrying a baby book ent-tled, “why love matters – how affection shapes a baby’s brain”.
baby books suggest cressida bonas has babies on the brain tom sykes december 4, 2013
historical examples
after supper, he marked seventeen sets of papers desultorily in red pencil, then got up to look for the baby book.
special delivery damon francis knight
if youve seen one baby book, as the cynical old man said about circuses, youve seen all of em.
the seven ages of man ralph bergengren
nor does any man take pleasure in preserving and reading over his own baby book.
the seven ages of man ralph bergengren
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