backpack girl
the girl who appears on pages run by cybersquatters who is perpetually smiling..
will backpack girl ever get to cl-ss.. or will she always be smiling at misguided internet users?
the friends of hot chics, who are not hot themselves,so they feel insecure and while your talking to her hot friend(s), they always come along and find a reason to take the hotter one away from you like theres something else better to do.
that d-mn backapack girl ruined my gettin my swerve on.
a j-panese girl, usually in the mid 20’s to 30’s, who packs enough “essentials” in a small back pack for a one night stand. they often speak very little english, but know at least “you wanna go on base?” they most often can be found at the american bars on white pole road and in the alley and specifically go to the bars on friday and sat-rday nights and wait for an airman to pick them up.
“hey, let’s drive down white pole and pick up a couple of back pack girls.”
the business cl-ss girl at the party that wears enough makup for ten hookers. usually enough -ss to satisfy the entire crowd. she wears a backpack hoping to hook up and stay at some poor shmoe’s house over night, thus the backpack.
usually blondes.
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