n. dialect and accent used in baltimore, especially in the dundalk area, characterized by a nazalised “oh” vowel (“hoem” and “phoen” for “home” and “phone”), dropped consonants (“bawlamer” or “bawlmer” for “baltimore”), and catch-phrases like “doen’cha knoe, hon.”
n. a person who speaks using the dialect, and behaves in a characteristic manner, such as rabid fandom of the baltimore orioles, walking down the middle of the street when there is a perfectly good and clear sidewalk, eating bushels of whole soft-sh-lled crabs doused with old bay seasoning, etc.
listen to the song “crabs for christmas” for a definitive rendering of baltimoron.
get out of the middle of the street, you baltimoron!
1 – n. the regional dialect of baltimore, maryland, in which syllables are often dropped and multiple words contracted into indistinct, mumbled phrases.
2 – n. persons speaking the regional dialect of baltimore, maryland. (affectionate term, used with respect)
1 – baltimorons commonly call all members of the opposite s-x “hon,” short for “honey.”
2 – “gone downy o-shun” is the phrase used to describe “going down to the ocean (ocean city)” for a vacation.
3 – “wayoo ain calmee” is the urban baltimore equivalent of “why haven’t you called me lately?”
somebody who uses excessive baltimorese, hon.
the o in the anthem is just a tradition.
n. one native to or living in baltimore, maryland.
ravens fans are usually baltimorons
a. idiots who have overstayed their welcome in urban (baltimore) maryland and have immigrated to other states such as pennsylvania. baltimorons often state that they left urban life because of crime and a high cost of living. once an area such as southern pennsylvania becomes infected with baltimorons, the taxes are dramatically increased and the quality of life of the natives is diminished. once the baltimorons realize that they have created taxes equal to their home land, the idiots end up moving back to maryland after they have destroyed the balance of outlying communities.
a. did you see what that neighbor did? it is okay, he is a baltimoron, he doesn’t know any better.
b. freaking baltimorons have congested the community. it takes me 20 minutes to cross town now.
c. this used to be a nice area to raise a family till the invasion of the baltimorons.
1. a baltimore ravens’ player
2. a person who either a) lives in baltimore and loves the ravens or b) loves the ravens period.
ray lewis ed reed baltimoron
an alias for baltimore ravens players, coache, staff, and fans mainly used by pittsburgh, cleveland, and cincinatti football fans.
we beat those baltimorons easily in that game!
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