Bard Brain
an aficionado of the works of william shakespeare of stratford-on-avon, england, 1564-1616. self-explanatory, not meant to denigrate.
bard brains everywhere will appreciate the local production of hamlet, from december 16th at the town hall.
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- Barley-Wheat Face
someone who takes excessive pleasure in farming. horace: “wow, look over there.” steve: “at what?” horace: “that guy has been farming for hours.” steve: “that’s just andrew. he’s the local barley-wheat face.”
- barnifrickle
f-ck, sh-t, d-mn, b-tch, wh-r-, dike, c-nt, douche (walking down the street acting all cool and slip on a banana) o barnifrickle!!!
- Bateable
describes a person about whom you would find it possible to m-st-rb-t-. see also bate and bater so do you think he/she is bateable? yes, he/she is very bateable.
- Bathgasm
the -rg-smic moment when you get into a bath of perfect temperature. person 1: i feel all warm and fuzzy person 2: …why? person 1: totes just had a bathgasm man
- batter catcher
or shortened to batcher. when orally pleasuring a female she will produce fluid or lady batter. this batter then falls down the chin of the person doing the pleasuring. any hair just under the lip is known as the batter catcher or batcher hey man, whats that you got in your batter catcher?