Bare one’s soul
reveal one’s most private thoughts and feelings.
why should i bare my soul, so you can use my soul against me?
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- barganza
another word for meaning big fat b-tt. oh, i fell on my barganza!!
- Bargine cunt
adjective- refers to the act of enloping with a lady who has the same expectations about the relationship as you. 1)’…and so all she wants is s-x’ 2)that’s a bargine c-nt.
- barking prairie dog
the ability (or relief) to be able to fart when prairie d-gg-ng. sara was thankful that she had a barking prairie dog because she didn’t have skid marks when she finally was able to get into the toilet.
- Barstard-Lunatic
a person who acts like a crazy idiot a lot of the time, and can be quite obnoxious too. “that julie is a real barstard-lunatic!”
- barsty
first used during the early 1990s the word “barsty” (pr-nounced – barstee) is an adjective used to describe a nasty b-st-rd. “the barsty sod gave me the wrong change!”