to make or create (someone) a baron; confer the rank of baron upon.
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madame de (baronne de staël-holstein) 1766–1817, french novelist, essayist, poet, and philosopher. noun madame de. full name baronne anne louise germaine (née necker) de staël-holstein. 1766–1817, french writer, whose works, esp de l’allemagne (1810), antic-p-ted french romanticism
- Barons
a member of the lowest grade of n-bility. a feudal v-ssal holding his lands under a direct grant from the king. a direct descendant of such a v-ssal or his equal in the n-bility. a member of the house of lords. an important financier or industrialist, especially one with great power in a particular area: […]
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adjective (of living organisms) growing best in conditions of high atmospheric pressure barophilic bar·o·phil·ic (bār’ō-fĭl’ĭk) adj. of, relating to, or being a microorganism that thrives under high environmental pressure.
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noun a fear of gravity word origin greek baros ‘weight’