the domain of a baron.
baronage (def 2).
historical examples
this appears to establish a tenure by barony in arundel, as a recent determination had done in abergavenny.
view of the state of europe during the middle ages, vol. 3 (of 3) henry hallam
for what services, or under what circ-mstances, the barony was created?
notes and queries, number 219, january 7, 1854 various
kilsyth dates from the middle of the 17th century and became a burgh of barony in 1826.
encyclopaedia britannica, 11th edition, volume 15, slice 7 various
suppose it to exist in your own county, in your own barony and parish.
thomas davis, selections from his prose and poetry thomas davis
a barony had, in his judgment, begun to be a thing which might be mentioned without a smile.
tristram of blent anthony hope
the barony of holderness was forfeited, but drogo was never captured.
yorkshire painted and described gordon home
robert de montalt the last lord, died childless in 1329, when the barony became extinct.
the hawarden visitors’ hand-book william henry gladstone
you are of course aware that there was once a barony in the family.
the young duke benjamin disraeli
on his death without heirs most of his t-tles became extinct, but the barony of walpole devolved on his cousin horatio.
english heraldic book-stamps cyril davenport
this “tomhan” appears to have been near lairg, and in “the barony of gruids.”
the testimony of tradition david macritchie
noun (pl) -nies
the domain of a baron
(in ireland) a division of a county
(in scotland) a large estate or manor
the rank or dignity of a baron
a sphere of influence dominated by an industrial magnate or other powerful individual
c.1300, from old french baronie, from late latin -baronia, from baron (see baron).
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- Baronize
to make or create (someone) a baron; confer the rank of baron upon.
- Stael
madame de (baronne de staël-holstein) 1766–1817, french novelist, essayist, poet, and philosopher. noun madame de. full name baronne anne louise germaine (née necker) de staël-holstein. 1766–1817, french writer, whose works, esp de l’allemagne (1810), antic-p-ted french romanticism
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a member of the lowest grade of n-bility. a feudal v-ssal holding his lands under a direct grant from the king. a direct descendant of such a v-ssal or his equal in the n-bility. a member of the house of lords. an important financier or industrialist, especially one with great power in a particular area: […]
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