a switch actuated by barometric pressure.
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barotaxis barotaxis bar·o·tax·is (bār’ō-tāk’sĭs) n. the response of living tissue to changes in pressure.
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an automatic instrument for recording pressure and temperature.
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an automatic instrument for recording pressure, temperature, and humidity.
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barot-tis media barot-tis media bar·o·ti·tis me·di·a (bār’ō-tī’tĭs mē’dē-ə) n. see aerot-tis media.
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injury of certain organs, especially the ear, due to a change in the atmospheric pressure. noun an injury caused by changes in atmospheric pressure, esp to the eardrums or lungs barotrauma bar·o·trau·ma (bār’ō-trô’mə, -trou’-) n. injury caused by pressure, especially to the middle ear or paranasal sinuses due to an imbalance between the ambient pressure […]