to be barrowed: to be royally f-cked in the -ss by torchwood and doctor who star, john barrowman.
i would love to be barrowed by the barrowman.
hit movie of 2011
hey man, did you go see the premiere of barrow last night? i heard it has brad pitt and the guy from across the street!
to lick a girl’s taint after she has explosive diarrhea.
g-dd-mnit dan, you barrowed that girl?!
when two dudes are involved in giving each other oral s-x and are barely able to even breathe through their noses, because they are so in to it.
we were really drunk and 69ing each other. his face was totally barrowed in my junk
somebody with an overly big head for there body, and they need a wheel barrow to get their head around.
guy 1 – dude look at lee over there, his head is huge
guy 2 – yeah man hes such a barrow
guy 1 – hey barrow
lee – what?
guy 2 – yeah man u shld get a wheel barrow for that head its m-ssive
lee – fk you
cr-p, defecation, expelling feces, the act of sh-tting,
after a long night at the buffet, i am looking forward to a nice barrows.
to fail at something that you think you are good at.
the sky a shot in football form 2feet away
you barrowed it (missing an unmisable shot in football
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