
meaning “emo” , “p-ssy” , “suicidal” , “no friended” , or “dumb polak”.
barteck is gay

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  • Cybercise

    this is when you are so out of shape (because it happens more often) that when you play a game online with a buddy against 2 other guys and you are trying to get 1st so bad that your heart starts beating so fast and you start sweating and then you can’t sleep for like […]

  • cyber guilt

    1. that feeli​ng you get when you recei​ve a “​frien​d reque​st”​ from someo​ne you’​re acqua​inted​ with,​ and/​or have been acqua​inted​ with-​possi​bly for years​,​ but have nothi​ng in commo​n with,​ and could​n’​t care less about​ what their​ “​life”​ is like “​these​ days”​ or in the days,​ weeks​,​ and years​ to come.​ 2. that feeli​ng you get […]

  • Cybernerd

    a person that fully thrives in nerdery and online-cyber culture. yo dog, lets go and get some pusssey 2nite!!! f-ck that! i’ll rather facebook! ___________- example 2) wow ur fat!!!! leave me, i’m a cybernerd!

  • cablager

    to steal another persons lager. orig: 27th july, 2008, the cia. someone steals stuart cable’s lager. “cable’s lager” is contracted to become ‘cablager’ “dude, you’ve been cablagered.” “i just cablagered some guy.” “i’m going to go out and cablager until i forget my name.”

  • GFAD

    go f-ck a duck comeback in an awkward arguement which always works: go f-ck a duck “ur gay” “sweeney, gfad” “what the h-ll” ” i sed go f-ck a duck” acronym. go f-ck a dog.

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