baseball analogy
the everlasting s-xual bases metaphor. the best way to remember them is the four “f”s: french, feel, finger, f-ck.
first: the first step in a s-xual relationship kissing with an open mouth or using tongue (french kissing)
first and a half base: under the shirt, bra still on
second: one step up from first base, heavy petting and feeling up while making out,direct oral or manual stimulation of a partner’s breast/nipple, up the shirt or shirtless for both partners.
shortstop: in baseball, the shortstop is the field position between second and third base. so, in fooling around, shortstop is being m-st-rb-t-d by or masturbating your partner, as that’s between feeling up and oral s-x.
third base: the last base before penetration s-x, entailing contact with the main s-xual regions, a handjob or a bl-wj-b (f-ll-t–) for guys and fingering or giving head (c-nn-l-ng-s) to the girl
home base: reaching home base or fourth base is consumating the relationship by having v-g-n-l s-x, making love or f-cking
note:first or second base can be achieved concurrently with dry humping, considered third base when oral or manual stimulation occurs to genitals.
“margo finally let her boyfriend get to shortstop, but she used way too much lotion and he came on her shirt.”
“we finally reached home base last night! thankfully he had a condom on him because we were so h-rny we couldn’t wait any longer”
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