Bat Fag
someone who is so obsessed with the character batman almost to a h-m-s-xual extent that the revolve their life around it.
: hey what’s up?
: dude i just got the newest batman deluxe action figure
:you are such a bat f-g!
bureau of alcohol, tobacco, and firearms agent. men and women who have nothing better to do with their time than regulate firearms owners, issue edicts, and execute unconst-tutional “no-knock” warrants.
the lowest form of sc-m on the planet… were beaten and picked on mercilessly as children.
possibly hermaphroditic.
i’d love to sbs this double barrel, but i’m not paying for the tax stamp and i don’t want the batf-gs kicking down my door.
Read Also:
- Batman Boom
a batman boom is the act of b-mping fists,drawing it back,and making it explode,with all five fingers out and extended. usually done as a h-llo,goodbye,or if something greats happening. “see you later baby batman boom”
- Batophyliac
a person that gets off on hiding in caves or praiding around on rooftops with little boys in tights “geez hes gonna be another batophyliac” “why do you say that” “i found him in the bas-m-nt again running around in spandex pants” “oh g-d”
- bean bank
the female’s version of the “spank bank”, where images are mentally stored for later masturbation. “bean” referring to the female’s cl-toris. watching the hot guitarist on stage, katie knew she was storing up images in the bean bank.
- Beane Stalked
when you sleep with a persons ex “within a 24 hour period” after break up. dude when i said it was over and i went to the bar did not mean for you to beane stalk her. you mind if i beane stalk her. hey bro you just beane stalked my girl.
- bean fungus
a white film surrounding the v-g-n- after days with out washing. looks very much like cottage cheese. i wanted to go down on my girlfriend, but her bean fungus was over bearing.