to get excessively drunk and/or sloppy; a messy night.
man i totally pulled a batko last night when i banged that landbeast.
last night was totally batko.
a child that likes to make your bed rock, kick billy-goats, and devour turkey heads. they are known for being very obnoxious and like to smoke soccer b-lls after biology cl-ss because frogs make them h-rny. cookies make them grin and they like to color pictures of hitler. they originate from the inner jungles of inner iran. they eat asians for breakfast, cheetahs for lunch, and baby heads for dinner.
beware the batko!!!!!!
pierre: “what is that thing!? it’s eating my asian!!”
julio-ricardo montez: “oh, that’s just my friendly neighborhood batko.”
pierre: “friendly my left b-tt-cheek!”
a mysterious mythical creature that sucks the fluids out of other living creatures, normally found around albania. they smell foul and can normally be recognized by their large mid section, pink and green fur and scary scowl.
that batko sucked the life out of me lastnight!
did you see the craters on that batko?
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