
a common weaverbird, ploceus philippinus, of india.
contemporary examples

the more money isis has, the more baya [an islamic oath of loyalty] they will get.
with friends like these, isis is doomed jacob siegel july 23, 2014

historical examples

baya piped the low whine of a frightened leveret, and ran for safety into the house.
tartarin of tarascon alphonse daudet

the nest of the baya is one of the most wonderful things in nature.
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not in the least daunted the baya makes a fresh effort and flies off, still gripping the strand firmly.
a bird calendar for northern india douglas dewar

the baya is easily tamed, and will fetch and carry at command.
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in the rainy season two other birds weave nests, which are nearly as elegant as those woven by the baya.
a bird calendar for northern india douglas dewar

now have i heard all the words which baya the prefect has spoken to me.
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my mother, baya, had seized the legs of the deceased at the time she was killed, and whilst she was being tied to the post.
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nearly every baya’s nest contains some lumps of clay attached to it.
a bird calendar for northern india douglas dewar

the natives of india say the baya lights up its nest with fire-flies.
eccentricities of the animal creation. john timbs

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