
baby momma drama
man i gotta lot of bbmd.

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  • rat for that

    when someone’s acting like a f-cking rat. friend: i got a b on my math test you: you’re a rat for that

  • chiwhon

    somewhat loyal,spreads everyones secrets, can be a jack-ss, little bit g-y and also he’s from north korea. ”oh look at chiwhon over there , he can’t keep is mouth shut and his hands out of peoples -sses.” somewhat loyal, can be a jack-ss, can’t keep his mouth shut, spreads people’s secrets, little g-y and he’s […]

  • wiborg

    a person who always picks his nose and eats it and jacks off in the science lab and has a voice that constantly sounds like he has boogers in his throte… oh yeah and loves sucking donkey d-ck h-llo my name wiborg how r u

  • quinkii

    to be quinkfull “hey melissa are you quinkii?” “what does that even mean?!?” “you know, to be quinkfull.”

  • alaskan high five

    like the act of the alaskan hot pocket. the alaskan high five is when you sh-t into a medical glove and put it in the freezer until hardened and use the fingers inside of any hole of your choosing. come one babe we’re gonna alaskan high five tonight

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