in this version of the common dtf, the added letter of b at the beginning makes this stand for beyond down to f-ck.
when does one choose stating he/she is dtf versus bdtf? when that individual is up for f-cking and beyond, as in, anything or everything will go, and the escapades they are up for may not all include s-xual undertones. perhaps including, but not limited to, adventures of malicious, dangerous, and highly illegal/immoral intent.
due to unpredictable nature of those t-tled as bdtf, one should exhibit caution before spending the night alone with what could be one s-d-stic individual.
this term can be used interchangably with dtf a&e (down to f-ck: anything and everything], yet most prefer bdtf as it is said to “roll off the tounge easier.”
dude 1: have you heard about mary?
dude 2: no dude, what?
dude 1: told joe she was bdtf. apparently after the three hours of rough s-x, she got a knife and stabbed him. she then proceeded to give him a bl-w j-b as she stuck her fingers in his slash wounds and painted on her body with his blood.
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