beauty bash
a website created for bitter old b-tches to anonymously talk sh-t about people on makeuplley. ironically, the bitter old b-tches are people from makeupalley who are too chickensh-t to tell it like it is, and be known. they sit on beauty bash all day long, picking apart people’s posts, and complaining about how fat they are, how ugly they are, or what losers they are. yet, they themselves are the biggest losers. they not only post all day long on beauty bash, but they sit all day long on makeupalley too.
even though people on makeupalley don’t like to admit it, they love to post slanderous sh-t talk on beauty bash.
basically a bunch of b-tchy old women who decided it’s a great time waster to spy on makeupalley members and make fun of them.
that’s it.
that’s all they do.
they belong to an obscure site dedicated to bashing the people on another semi-obscure site.
apparently these people just don’t have a life? i don’t know. the website says that its dedicated to free speech, but apparently free speech only const-tutes making fun of and b-tching out other people, usually makeup alley members or maaaaaaaaaaaybe celebrities.
on a good day.
and now for some actual excerps from beautybash:
* cafe is so fake. most of them are here no doubt. there’s so – few here but when a pic is here is the most featured on mua every time. ok 14:41:20 2/27/2009 (1)
o yup, i do it. omg! that place is so horrible, how can anybody go there!!!! and all the while i’m going back and forth, lol! and it’s not just me! – . 14:45:01 2/27/2009 (0)
for real? this is what you all do with your lives?
a sorry site where people go to actually spy on another. they think that they’re particularly witty and clever on beautybash, but they’re just lame. lame for their comments and lame for feeling that it’s necessary to visit and support a site like this.
it sure seems to have been started by someone that was thrown out of another site, as this site claims to be all about “free speech.” these idiots don’t understand what “free speech” really means.
excerpt from beautybash:
name one mua member that gets on your last nerve. – you can only name one. and you must explain why
* xxxxx – boring and mindnumbingly repet-tive.
* xxxxx – because she’s a vulgar moronic harpee
o xxxxx is yyyyy – also
+ re: xxxxx is yyyyy – they both suck
* i have to say, it is a dead die between xxxxx and yyyyy – both are know it all c*nts that make me scream at my monitor.
o i feel like a total loser. i actually flip off my monitor when xxxxx is being – a b-tch to someone. i want to punch her. i can’t post on mua anymore when she’s on bc she is so rude
+ cool! – xxxxx
beauty bash was a now-defunct site providing an outlet for members of and other beauty sites to mock other members behind their backs. they fancied themselves the greek chorus to the drama that often unfolds on such sites, but really all it was, was people making fun of other people’s makeup, hair, toenails, personal problems, weight, and possible s-xual orientation, among other things. rumor had it the site was actually managed by the owner of makeup alley just so people wouldn’t start flame wars on mua, an ad-supported site. mostly it became a contest to see who could call the most other people c-nts in the shortest period of time. if anyone knows of a replacement site, reply to this definition with the url.
she’s so nice to me on mua, but on beauty bash she called me a c-nt and said my e/s (eyeshadow) was like my little pony on crack.
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