belleville nj
bellville is a former tight knit italian community in ess-x county new jersey. 10 years ago belleville was known most for some mild oraganized crime and good pizza but know its mainly known for bloods and latin kings. the town has become very run down and by just driving around for 10 minutes if your not car jacked beore then, you would think you were in newark. but if your a fan of the sopranos your in luck, most of the newark scenes were actually filmed in belleville(if thats a good thing) but all in alll belleville sucks. the schools are over run with gangs, guns, and violence. my son was fighting weekly in elementary school and forced to walk through metal detectors in middle and high school. we moved to lacy last year and it was the best decision we ever made, i would recommend living in belleville to no one and franly there are some better areas in newark.
esseex county and belleville nj should be avoided
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