combination of beer and sperm, as relating to the odor of a sorority girl after a hard night’s partying.
yeah she was hot, but when she talked you could smell the berm.
in mountain biking terms – a cambered corner allowing the rider to continue at high speed
he really railed that berm
the sound a turtle makes.
the berm consists of dirt, rocks, leaves, empty tins and dead hookers. the most famous berm (known as “big mike’s berm”) was created in garrison, ny, in the summer of 2009 by two drunken workers from the area.
also the residence of the mysterious, “red”, the former lover of the famous rope-smith, placenta.
“yo lets go paint some fences or something.”
“nah, big mike wants this berm moved 6 inches to the left between that tree and rock.”
“we just finished raking it over and planting seed dude..”
“the only seed that will be planted at the berm is red’s seed.”
“i just found red sleeping at the berm with big bertha.”
“really dude??”
“yeah dude he was blaring drake on a yellow boombox.”
berm is when a cl-ster s-m-n rots in a ball sack over a period of several months before being released. it has the consitancy of tapioca pudding including the random chunks. scientists still arn’t quite sure what these chunks are made of and only know that they emit a potent odor resembling that of a homeless man’s unwashed chode mixed with the smell of year old milk left out in the sun.
person 1:”dude, i didn’t beat off for three months and when i finally did it was all brown and chunky.”
person 2:”you mean you bermed… and you’re still alive?”
person 1:”you think i should go to the hospital?”
person 2:”no… but i call dibs on your sterio.”
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