
to cause to go (usually used reflexively):
she betook herself to town.
archaic. to resort or have recourse to.
historical examples

the prince of byblos sent to me, saying: betake thyself from my harbor.
archology and the bible george a. barton

she knew at once that she must betake her to the truth for refuge.
weighed and wanting george macdonald

the fever in this cl-ss of cases does not range high, yet the patients are ill enough to betake themselves to bed.
a system of practical medicine by american authors, vol. i various

all that he need do was to put on his hat and betake himself to his usual diversions.
fruitfulness emile zola

but it has been necessary that she should betake herself to the country, feeling herself but ill at ease in town.
letters of john calvin, volume ii (of 4) jules bonnet

when thou arisest i also arise; when thou settest i also betake myself to rest.
history of religion allan menzies

if a subsistence were provided by it for herself, whither should her father and her lucy betake themselves for support?
ormond, volume i (of 3) charles brockden brown

he was compelled to lay it aside, and betake himself to a stroll and a pipe.
david elginbrod george macdonald

betake thee to thy couch, and sleep off the effects of thy drink.
jacob faithful captain frederick marryat

for a while after my reception, i proposed to betake myself to some secular calling.
apologia pro vita sua john henry cardinal newman

verb (transitive) -takes, -taking, -took, -taken
betake oneself, to go; move
(archaic) to apply (oneself) to

c.1200, from be- + take. related: betook; betaken.

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