Bias Incident
a completely worthless and stupid way to let american university or college students to officially complain about each other for subjective “offensive” and “demeaning” speech or remarks. or, more scientifically, a way for sheltered sjw snowflakes to rat on people for normal, everyday speech, and trample on their free speech rights.
most universities have a “bias response team” or “office” where a bunch of bureaucrats sit around b-tching to students and faculty about their “privilege” and “patriarchy” while hoping no one notices that they’re wasting taxpayer money and tuition dollars. the goal of this office is to sustain itself while creating a problem where none actually exists.
male (it’s always a male) to female: “i like your dress.”
female: “rape! i’m reporting you for a bias incident!”
professor: “i’d like to discuss how there are people who believe in transgender biology while there are others who do not believe in this.”
sjw: “rape! how dare you, a cis white male, imply that there are any reasons to disagree with trans-abled people? i’m reporting you for a bias incident to the bias police in hopes that you will get fired!”
#social justice warrior #college life
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