Big Winter
texan slang for minnesota.
we are driving straight up i-35 to visit my aunt and uncle in the big winter.
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- billards
is a name for some one who like to party, and originated in brampton. that guy lives the life of a billard another name for a mans b-lls i just kisked tha guy in the billards ah! right in the billards
- Bill Nees
the complete and utter definition of domination. dude he was so bill nees, he survived a tactical nuke on mw2! bill nees stared down communism until it disappeared.
- Bitchelle
a girl who is extremely annoying, unattractive and of course, b-tchy. she thrives to be the center of attention, and thinks she is a boy-magnet when in fact she is not. stay away from b-tch-lles because they manipulate you and try to make you into something you’re not. guy 1-“hey did you see b-tch-lle?” guy […]
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a complete bad-ss that doesn’t take sh-t from n-body yo that guy is such a b-tch killa he flipped off the teacher and beat the sh-t out of that black kid.