
the day after tomorrow.
it’s my birthday bimoro…

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  • wholesome woman

    a woman that is loyal and doesn’t post pictures or videos to show off her body. she ain’t a wholesome woman ,she a hoe.

  • lisenbee

    a skinny and white man, generally known for his sense of humor and interesting voices. come-on lisenbee! come-ooooooon! faster! pick it up to a 5:30 pace lisenbee! come-ooooooooon!

  • cross swap

    a s-xual swinging situation for two m/f bis-xual couples wherein the men engage in s-x with each other while the women do the same. my wife and i cross swap with the smiths from time to time because sometimes my bis-xual side can’t be tamed!

  • you can do better then that

    if someone says that to you dump your boyfriend right away you can do better then that guy

  • kairy

    kairy is and amazing person. she’s beautiful and un resistible. she’s independent she doesn’t need a man to live. who’s that? oh that’s kairy. well she’s beautiful

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