to take sheets of hole-punched paper and put them in a binder
darryl loves to binderize after a long day of sorting intervention forms
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- schedule
being forced to do something you don’t really want to do or having unwanted obligations. usually refers to a controlling girlfriend. nicole wants me to go with her to see some chick flick on sat-rday night. it’s all one big schedule with her. urban slang for a controlled substance regulated under the controlled substance act. […]
- Superdry Wanker
someone that seems to only wear superdry clothing. ‘that guys dressed all in superdry!’ ‘what a superdry w-nker!’
- crbab
pr-nunciation: cruh-bob function: noun etymology: nordic (possibly sasquatch), from ancient dom text 1(a) noun: a clumsy social error. specifically, the introduction of a topic to a forum that has already been introduced before. often used in conjunction with sbab. “dude, serious crbab. umar just sent that link out about 2 hours ago! tool.”
- superexcellent
1.being of the utmost b-tchingness, 2. wickedly awesome, 3.pee your pants fun peach: my birthday was superexcellent
- doring
a mixture between boring and dull. used when the dpeaker cannot decide which is more accurate. “i saw dear john this weekend it was incredibly doring.”