Birthday Bandit
a dude who finds the excited “yes” atmosphere of a birthday party to be prime hook up territory. likes parties, but especially birthday parties. typically male. commandeers attention away from the birthday person.
hide your presents, hide your cake, it’s the birthday bandit.
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the act of displaying a close friendship between two friends by getting as undressed as you both feel comfortable and either hugging, snuggling, or any display of affection you feel apropriate. pushing the limits is encouraged. john and sally get in there underware and hug to show there love & friendship for each other. they […]
- Wubbing
nasty h-m-s-xual gesturing under the guise of “dancing.” the wub mocks a big p-n-s & s-xual acts are simulated by the guys wearing the wubs. look at those idiots in a circle wubbing. they got in a circle & rubbed their wubs together & drank water (c-m simulation) off of the one guys “wub.” (verb) […]
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what would you do for a klondike bar? girl: wwydfakb? boy: megan fox!
- wynoona
a really fat hoe who eats evrything in your f-cking fridge and then says “were all the f-cking food at?!?” shes really fat and ugly like omg jesus f-cking christ wtf is that king kong d-ck walking?!?!!! wynoona:foooood!!! asian:godzilla!!!! asian#2:no its wyonna!!!! even worse!!!!!!! help me!!!!! wynoona:need foooooood give me your egg rolls!!!!