
to be mobbed or overrun by an onward surge of crazed shoppers/zombies – possibly resulting in grave or serious bodily harm.
schlomo: my goodness, saul, why are you in a wheelchair?
saul: well schlomo, i was standing first-in-line for the special midnight walmart opening to buy the collector’s edition of trailer park barbie. when doors swung open, i was suddenly “black-fridayed” down the aisle by rushing crowd of crazed little old ladies and overweight fat leg-ged women with 2 children in tow. being overrun, i fell to floor and was stepped on, trampled at, and treated like dirt. so! lesson is: never be first in line at a black friday sale!
shlomo: oh, didja get the barbie?
saul: … … … thanks fer askin’ …
to be tricked, through any method, into clicking a link that takes you to the rebecca black video “friday”.
zach: dude i sent you a sweet xbox live message while i was drunk, it’s hillarious!.

john: -listens to message- dood that was just rebecca black singing friday? you f-cking black fridayed me!

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