the act of pushing your way into the top few comments in a popular blog by replying to comments already posted. blogd-cking is an attempt to gain more visibility and is widely used by attention wh-r-s who can’t bear that their comments aren’t on the first page.
“that -sshole just keeps blogd-cking on my blogs. i think i should block his sorry -ss.”
quoted from mysp-ce awards center….
this seems to be the current hot question. you hear it more and more: blog d-cking.
the act of blog d-cking or bd (i just made that part up), is essentially cutting in line when posting a comment responding to someone’s blog. let’s say there are already 200 comments. you could post like everyone else and be comment number 201, but you’d be way down on page 5, and who’s gonna see you there?
so a blog d-cker will reply to the first commenter on the first page of comments so that everyone can see their comment. usually blog d-cking is self promotion on someone else’s blog. they reply to someone’s comment but it has nothing to do with the comment they responded to.
blog d-cking is not replying to someone’s comment, even if it just happens to be near the top of the first comments, if you really are responding to what they have commented about. but sometimes people make it look like they are relying to someone’s comment when really they are blog d-cking by adding something like: hey come visit my blog it’s better!
bobby ramone is the first person i ever heard using the term blog d-cking.
you thought you were second eh? we’ll i might just have to blog d-ck you!
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