blogger daddy
the person. man or woman. whom usually has a blog of their own. and convinces you to create 1 for yourself.
charlie suggested i create a blog of my own and in doing so became my blogger daddy.
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adjective; blonzed is the fusion of blond and bronzed. most often found in southern california. someone who is freshly highlighted with blond hair and has just bronzed their skin with fake tanner. “oh my god! that girl over their is so blonzed!”
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similar to bloodshot eyes but mostly when eyes are droopy and red as if you haven’t slept in years like a bloodhound dog. after the session, monica had bloodhound eyes within minutes and looked as if she were about to fall asleep on us.
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a s-xual act where the male attaches a strap-on to his head and undergoes fornication while the female is menstruating. “dude, i heard chris gave lisa a bl–dy unicorn last night!”
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being very loud or making a lot of noise. person 1: man, those guys next door are really blowin’ up the boom box. are they always that loud? person 2: not all the time, but it seems like they always have a lot of people over on the weekends.