referring to the content of any blog, especially content that contains annoyingly strong opinions stated as facts.
the notion that kevin smith is the george lucas of his generation is total blogma.
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- Blood 0f God
g-d of the internet game known as runescape. many have fallen from his mighty power and only few have actually managed to make contact with this immortal. he is a rarely seen god who walks the world of runescape and f-cking with him brings immediate death by c-ck slap. that zezima is something, but he […]
- blood-sucking
adj. parasitical. see also, blood-sucker. blooding-sucking h-llay suct northern california dry through the california aquesuct.
- Bloodeye
the guy at fridays who had a bl–dy eye. jay: “wheres bloodeye?”
- bloody flux
extreamly bad diarhea, symptoms ranging from the squirts, to actual blood comeing out your r-ct-m. a perfectly good excuse to skip work/church/school/anything, no questions will be asked. you on the phone : “hey, ummm boss, i can’t come in today, i have the bl–dy flux..” your boss: “good lord kid, stay home!!”
- blowin' kill
smoking large amounts of weed you wanna go blow some kill?