blue brains
the feeling you get when you are deep in a conversation, usually gossip related, and someone stops short of revealing a secret they’ve been building up to for at least five minutes.
so called, because the process is somewhat similar to the way in which one is forced to endure blue b-lls. while with blue b-lls, a girl won’t finish you off s-xually, in blue brains the victim has yet to have their curiosity “finished off.” while blue b-lls is more painful, blue brains is often endured for longer periods of time and cannot be remidied on one’s own.
guy 1: yo, you know what i heard about lisa?
guy 2: no, tell me.
guy 1: well, i really shouldn’t say…
guy 2: come on you have to tell me!
guy 1: i can’t, i promised i wouldn’t say anything.
guy 2: dude we’ve been talking about this for ages. total blue brains.
when one expects to have his or her mind blown, but does not (derived from the popular “blue b-lls”).
i expected that movie’s ending to blow my mind, but it didn’t; now i have a terrible case of blue brain.
when a chick gets you mind going about a bunch of kinky sh-t, and then says “wait i shouldn’t have said any of that.” now your mind is going, but you have no release.
man, last night this girl was talkin up a storm about what she’d do when we got home, then she straight blue brained me on it when it came down to it.
occurs over the course of time when an attempt to be intellectual or keep a train of thought is made.this is then followed by a sputtering and finally an epic fail on the part of the absent minded individual who manages to make themselves look like foolish idiot.
girl: i don’t know what’s wrong with him. he can’t keep up a conversation, always wanders off to an unrelated topic.
friend: does it happen often?
girl: yes!
friend: he’s probably suffering from blue brains.
girl: but why? what would have caused it?
friend: most likely he’s distracted by his blue b-lls.
a condition similar to blue b-lls. when none of the ladies you’re currently dealing with are intellectually stimulating, you have blue brain.
yeah, i dated paris hilton for awhile. the s-x was hot, but i had blue brain the entire time. packed up my sh-t and left that ho. bought the booty tape though. good sh-t.
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