
bolics means b-lls.
put your bolics away!

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  • sack of ass

    similar to a ball sack just hanging from your -ss. may come from surgery or minor misfunction while growing in your moms v-g-n-. very droopy and hairy. hurts when kicked. very pleasurable while licked. “don’t kick my sack of -ss again or we will have problems!”

  • shitty sy

    a kid that is a piece of sh-t and is my best friend but smells like sh-t. amity: what’s up sh-tty sy… you piece of sh-t!

  • Fumbo

    a f-cking dumb person who is just beyond dumb “look at that fumbo trying to soup with a fork”

  • aboj

    when you are happy, and you want the right word to describe it. aboj is often used when one is hyped and/or happy holy f-cking sh-t im so f-cking happy and i just bought 100 kilos of cocain!!!! aboj

  • kebab face

    some one whos got a fat greasy face. usually used towards people who are mediterranean or middle eastern. oi kebab face come here!

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