bone raiser
a chick whom upon seeing causes ones bone to raise
san diego
dude, shawn’s mom is such a bone raiser
1. bon ra-zur: noun: (ety: fre > ger > eng) a total babe that induces an extreme state of “b-n-r”
i.e. “yep, i agree, shawn’s mom is a total bone raiser.”
2. bon ra-zur: pr. noun: (ety: fre > african clicky language > lat > ebonics > eng) a p-rnographic film fabled to have been created in the late romantic period. it’s actual existence is debated and it is believed by many, simply to be a myth. those that believe in it agree that it sparked the post-modern movement, beat poetry, seinfeld, and the conception of kelley clarkson. the film was loosely based on the plot of the popular horror film of the early romantic period, “h-llraiser”. watching a mere 3 seconds of “b-n-raiser” will immedeatly cause an explosive -rg-sm, followed by a violent bl–dy shart, spontaneous human combustion and a mild sore throat–leading to one’s imminent doom. it is rumored a few copies of the film remain hidden in the african congo, somewhere off the coast of sicily and in underdeveloped regions of salt lake city utah.
i.e. “b-n-raiser ii sucked compared to bone raiser i, cause shawn’s mom refused to star in the second one.
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