the quality of being attractive. usually refers to somebody a male would like to have s-x with.
that chick is totally b-n-rable.
the rebound condition of a girl as a result of being dumped, making her easy.
1.yo, that girl is so b-n-rable right now, you should try and hit that.
2. guy 1: i heard kelly just got dumped by fred.
guy 2: haha yeah, she’s so b-n-rable right now…excuse me for a minute…
3 girl 1: i can’t believe he broke up with me? am i not good enough? i’ll show him, i’ll sleep with he friend tonight.
girl 2: oh kelly, don’t be so b-n-rable.
a male easily susceptible to being aroused.
girl 1: should i go ask bobby to dance?
girl 2: i don’t know, he’s very b-n-rable, you might get creeped out.
it’s a mixture of boneable and “vulnerable”. it’s what you become when you’ve just gotten out of a serious relationship. you’re b-n-rable.
“i feel so b-n-rable.”
the s-xual vulnerability of a person. also “b-n-rability.”
1. “that guy is so b-n-rable right now!”
2. “the b-n-rability of that boy is pretty obvious.”
a female who is worthy of stabning one’s c-ck into.
john: “hey look at that b-tch over there.”
me: “oh yea she’s b-n-rable!”
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