n. filipino slang for s-x, p-rnography, or any other adult related entertainment or activities.
my friend likes to watch boomba on tv in the morning while eating his breakfast.
a simple faction of breaking wind or flatulation.
did you boomba? alright, who p-ssed the boomba?
a large beer mug
$2 beer boomba special
as defined by the world famous “s
smitty”, boombas can also be referred to as chalobes and/or lunch
“if not for those boombas, i’d have nothing to do during commercials”
“wow, nice lunch”
t-st-cl-s. derived from “b-mbas”, the latvian word for b-lls.
don’t let your boombas get caught in your zipper.
big -ss b–b-ages (aka t-ts)
did you scope out the boombas (aka winnebagos)on that biotch, chonny?
holy bombs from heaven
the children prayed for the homeless man and threw boombas from their hand.
i had an ear infection and people threw them holy boombas at me. i have no more pain!
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