big papa farrington, the loudest most ignorant smart guy you’ll ever meet; has a knack for talking sh-t and making 99% of the population feel stupid. love him or hate him, you’ll never forget him.
bp(m-th- f-ckin)f
5 more definitions
acronym – best pals forever
mike and zac are bpf’s
beautiful people fatigue syndrome or bpfs is a common condition that involves the total ignorance of “beautiful” people, which can result in delay or complete denial of status surrounding that beautifulness. although it’s fun sometimes to give attention.
“wow, they are always the same height, they look alike…yes, their with the program..oh 2.3 kids? no, the business-typ-marriage-dating-thing…ohhh…the one with the car? yes, that’s the one. bpfs.
“did you see the dress? no, not really. the shoes? no, not really. the incredible hunky boyfriend? i’m a flexitarian myself. bpfs.
“did you see those teeth? it doesn’t even look like flirting anymore!bpfs”
“what’s up with being human?! seen one, seen them all! bpfs”
baby production facilitator – surrogate mother
since you don’t want to have kids and i do, can i use your wife as my bpf?
bl–dy p-ssy fart, ewwww.
taylor, you smell like a b-p-f!!
big paul fox – local legend
“bpf bpf!!”
“there’s bpf!!”
“how very bpf of you!”
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