break nap
a break from any relationship,like a nap..for people to relax,and dream (maybe about others) too
i seem too hung up on you..maybe its time for a break nap
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- Break Your Face
what a person does to another in a fight. whooping the sh-t out of somebody. destroying someone. haha, did you see that? i broke his face and he went to the hospital. don’t make me break your face in. 1.what i do to people who try to beat me in cross country 2. a threat […]
- breakz necz
it isn’t like any other word. it’s when you take the necz, and you breakz, but you dont break their neck, you breakz necz. their neck hasn’t been broken, its been breaked, you haven’t ruined anyones necks, you’ve ruined their necz. it’s irreversable, because once you breakz necz, the necz is broken. there is no […]
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to have large br–sts. a word created by brooke and rachel on october 29th, 2006 at exactly 11:43 pm–because they have nothing better to do with their sad, pathetic lives. you look very breastamungus in that outfit.
- Breeding Club
a nightclub strictly for heteros-xuals. gage: hi janey, wanna go clubbing tonight? janey: ok, but you’re gay and i don’t want to go to feathers in the village. gage: no problem, we’ll go to a breeding club.
- Breonaphobia
fear of revolving doors(bar or gl-ss), turnstiles, faregates, bafflegates – anything that falsely represents a door used to cover an opening with two or more hinges. he was running late for work but his breonaphobia compounded the problem when he realized new entry/exit procedures were implemented.