a state of being which applies the feeling of one self experiencing and looking ugly/tired/hungover
im so breened after those cosmos last night.
overcomplicated/to overcomplicate – derived from the works of the infamous character dr mark breen
oh, no wonder you failed, you’ve breened it!
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- Vera De Milo
a. an extremely ugly woman. b. a woman who resembles a man. c. a woman with a deep man-like voice. derived from the character jim carrey portrayed on “in living color” most notably in the skit “buffed, beautiful and b-tchin’” “she’s a definite vera de milo.”
- blessykins
a subst-tute for “g-d bless you.” you know…when you sneeze. little girl:…aaachooooooooooo! grandma blessy: blessykins! blessykins! a high pitched optimistic response to a sneeze, usually uttered by someone over the age of 97 bobby: i think im about to sneeze…. grandma: blessykins in advance!!!!!
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specifically a bullet-proof vest. most typically a vest of kevlar worn by police officers. more recently made famous by fifty wearing one all the time. playa’s got some enemies so he’s been sportin a vest. slang for condom doctor dre: grab a vest for your jimmy in the city of s-x 1. a bulletproof vest […]
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