fear of revolving doors(bar or gl-ss), turnstiles, faregates, bafflegates – anything that falsely represents a door used to cover an opening with two or more hinges.
he was running late for work but his breonaphobia compounded the problem when he realized new entry/exit procedures were implemented.
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a second generation wrestler from montreal canada trained by the infamous “stu hart”. proabably one of the best wrestlers ever,because he had superb tehcnical skills. but the wwe did not want him in the company anymore and screwed him(see: montreal screwjob ) so he went to wcw but at starrcade ’99 goldberg kicked him accidently […]
brett {adams – from townsville} + b-tch. (adj.) calling someone a brettch. example: “you burnt the mushrooms on the bbq. you’re such a brettch!” (verb). brettching… when someone does anything remotely annoying. example:- tj: “can you stop brettching!?!” derek: “what the f-ck am i doing?!” tj: “you’re being a brettch (adj.) by turning the bbq […]
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- Brian Bell
guitarist for weezer. he’s the master of s-ss many weezer fans describe his style as s-ssy. super-nerd guitarist of the amazing band weezer. he is often known by fans as the ‘s-ss-master” due to his awesome s-ssiness. brian bell is s-ssier than lady gaga, a tibetan gerbil, and tobasco sauce, all put together!
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