Bro Shake
the sacred oath that takes place between two bros in which each man takes the phallus of the other and proceeds to slay the dragon.
if the oath is broken, the phallus of the oath breaker shall be violently removed.
ex 1: -while playing hearts-
gareth:”bro i promise i don’t have the queen of spades, you can play that king.”
pierre: “i do not believe you”
gareth: “i will broshake on it”
ex 2: marwan and michael secured their promise to not look each other in the eyes during their 3-way with a broshake.
the typical handshake/greeting when two guys or “bros” are cool with each other meet. it can be spontaneous and is not limited to only old friends but also possible new bros whom are perceived as to being cool with.
the most generic bro shake consists of a mutual hand-grab, then a back-pat and usually ending with a fist pound.
variations are usually created and if the two bros are very good friends, they may have a more intricate bro shake.
example 1:
bob: “holy sh-t, is that you sam?”
-bro shake initiated-
sam: “i haven’t seen you since you piled that chick in college bob!”
example 2:
-door opens-
hugh hefner: “welcome to the playboy mansion boys, the ladies are a plenty.”
-bros walking in, each bro shake/ing hugh-
stranger 1: thanks hugh!
the first handshake you have with another man. usually reveals a lot about them
yo dude, that kid andy has such a weak broshake. lame!
a pact made within a group of bros. there are a few different occasions in which a bro-shake can be used:
-to verify and/or validate a vocal statement
-to solidify a dare of sorts
-to make a bet
if the bro shake is broken, the offending bro is therefore -ssigned a single bro-merit.
see bro-merit.
bro 1: hey bro, stacy and i got it on last night; it was awesome!
bro 2: orly? bro-shake on it?
bro 1: … oh alright, i actually just watched stacy from her front yard…
bro 1: hey, that roof looks low enough to jump off of.
bro 2: i dare you to.
bro 1: oh, yeah, i will.
bro 2: bro-shake on it?
bro 1: aw man… naw…
bro 2: i’ll give you 50 g’s if you bang stacy tonight.
bro 1: oh h-ll yeah! bro-shake on it?
bro 2: yeah, because it’s never happening.
bro 1: yeah…
example of misuse of the bro-shake:
bro 1: dude. i had s-x with stacy last night.
bro 2: really? do you bro-shake?
bro 1: yeah. i do. -bro-shake-
~5 minutes later~
bro 2 (to stacy): hey, i heard you and bro 1 got it on last night.
stacy: ew no gross. never.
-bro 1 is then -ssigned a bro-merit-
a b-st-rdization of the “brotha shake” that expressed solidarity among black people in the civil rights movement and a result of the diffusion of hip hop to mainstream culture, the broshake is a replacement of the handshake that bros use for formal introductions or to express bromantic sentiments.
i feel so awkward at this party because all the bros keep giving me the broshake and i mess up because i don’t know how to do it.
a greeting between two people involving and respect-showing handshake.
i bro shaked everbody in the room
slapping your hands together with a homie to shake hands.. but not the normal way, its a series of movements that would be hard to explain. you will know it when you see it.
used extremely often in saskatoon’s westside
kaz: man i ran into like 16 bro’s the other day and gave every single one a “bro shake”.
mac: that’s respect homie….
kaz: who the f-ck is this kid?
mac: i don’t know, but he looks like a chump…
(no “bro shake” offered to the chump kid.)
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